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​悠畫廊(Yo Gallery)於10/12至11/25之間推出來自英國,揚名國際的塗寫藝術家Jon Burgerman 2012速食系列傑作,Superlicious『瘋狂卡路里』邀您飽覽顏色、線條、品嚐大師級的塗寫藝術。


每一個小孩、青少年幾乎都經歷過隨手塗寫(Doodle)時期,有些人遺忘了塗寫能力,有些人延續塗抹塗寫,經過不斷的練習與美學教育,發展到可稱為大師級的塗寫藝術作品。來自英國的Jon Burgerman即是最佳代表。從小即停不了隨手作畫,從餐盤、紙張、門把、牆面,像是強迫症一般,延續到與Nike的球鞋、iPhone的APP遊戲,以及英國V&A博物館的草坪。
隨和幽默,帶有冷面笑匠性格的Jon Bugerman喜愛烹飪及食物,特別偏好速食與沙拉。自從旅居美國紐約以來,Jon Burgerman對美國的速食文化無法自己,從中享受起司、澱粉、大蒜、洋蔥、球賽、汽水混搭的樂趣。這些食物體驗成為『瘋狂卡路里』系列主角,畫作視覺豐富,層層線條、塊塊顏色,堆疊出享受厚片Pizza的味覺與視覺感;汽泡水般在嘴裡和饕者打招呼的輕盈熱鬧,經由Jon的熱愛食物體驗而栩栩如生。
Jon的作品中不止表現對食物的熱愛,同時也充滿諷刺的批判。食物本身為生命所必需品,當人們把一必需品大量品牌化、工廠化,製造出一種特有的飲食文化,即是現在隨處可見的速食文化 - Fast Food/Junk Food;Fast Culture/Junk Culture(速食之於快速文化;垃圾食物之於垃圾文化)。


Jon Burgerman對塗寫的才賦與熱情不加矯飾,渾然天成。充分的國際參展經驗與一次次大型牆面公眾藝術,賦予了塗寫等於藝術(Doodling is Art)的定義。創作裡充滿喧鬧的小怪物(little monsters),是對生動世界的詮釋,畫面中不和諧所組成的和諧使觀者享受與創作者玩遊戲般對話的樂趣。塗寫身為人原始的能力與藝術的本質,Jon Burgerman的新原始藝術(Neo-Primitive Art)持續豐富多產地展現不做作、平易近人卻維持品質,能夠滿足視覺慾望的作品。 悠畫廊此次展出『瘋狂卡路里』,敬邀感受塗寫魅力,享受視覺歡樂餐。
Yo Gallery is proud to present you the show "Superlicious".
Doodling as an intuitive way to explore and express oneself, there are quite a few could actually apply it as a great method of art, the talented British artist Jon Burgerman is one of them. From plain paper, dish plates, doorknobs, small as well as enormous walls, APP games to the lawns of Victoria and Albert Museum, Jon doodles everywhere.


​For the interesting coincidence of his last name "burger"man, Jon has been fascinating with "fast food" topic for a while. With the fact that Jon's work has never lack of vivid colors and energetic shapes and lines, the abundance made by patches, blobs, drips in his Fast Food series carry deep thoughts that look into the fast food/junk food, fast culture/junk culture surrounded us. Like the saying goes "You are what you eat", while most of us surrender ourselves to fast food's global branding, enjoy the bite, the full and the energy followed by junk food, is this consumption really what we need? or what we feel we need, or some other Capitalism force make us need? (see conversation about Superlicious between Yo Gallery and Jon Burgerman here )
Jon's Superlicious art serve a great visual dish, the chef (Jon Burgerman) has made the food a bit funny, a bit heavy, a bit sarcastic, yet super delicious and tasty; the restaurant (Yo Gallery) invites you in, come and please enjoy, you are free to eat all in. You are what you see, as you are what you eat. 



Since 2015-current, No animals was harmed in the making

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