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Richard Wong

Richard Wong 擁有巨大的創意能量。2002 年起,Richard 把他所設計的Red Magic Box 盒裝玩具的概念從香港爆發成為了廣受歡迎的潮流玩意,同時開始發展角色創作事業,首個創作角色「CIBOYS」在多個廠商行銷活動中成為亞洲新彗星,CIBOYS 作品立即遍佈全球超過20 多個國家及地區,成為多個世界大品牌聯名合作的"人氣王"。眾多的原創角色因逗趣反應社會現實生活,與大眾接軌,親民、真實、古怪、詼諧的特質而廣受好評。2006 年開始,Richard 以旋風姿態成為台灣一股「紅色風暴」,創下「日賣5.5 萬隻」及「秒殺」的驕人成績。Richard 更憑其創作角色CIBOYS 成為首個卡通角色取得日本BANDAI 旗下GUNDAM 多個知名系列的合作權,推出多個CIBOYS x GUNDAM 系列大受歡迎。Richard 在2010 年開始將龐大的CIBOYS 幻想故事公佈於全世界,在台灣高雄、台南、台中、台北舉行連續長達 7 個月的巡迴展覽。2012 年七月,Richard Wong 將卡通角色創意結合純手工質感印製手工版畫,在悠畫廊以《CUTE:KILL 可愛:殺戮》之名展出匪夷所思的無盡幻想世界。

Richard Wong as a well-known designer and art director surprises people with his immense creativity. His CI Boys toys have been popular for a decade. His characters display the grassroots, authentic spirit of the common folks. The design of the toys, along with the stories behind them, build a huge imaginary world, allowing people to indulge in its cuteness, fun and quirkiness. In 2012, Richard's fantasy world spread onto hand-made limited screen prints that were put on show at Yo Gallery, juxtaposing "Cuteness" and "Violence".

Selected Exhibitions
(limited listed Exhibitions since 2009)

2010  高雄駁二藝術特區C2 倉庫 原創藝想 C.I.BOYS 的星球 台灣巡迴展覽
2012  臺北國際玩具創作大展

Since 2015-current, No animals was harmed in the making

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